NOW on in Color and B&W and eBook

God’s Great Tradition of Global Wisdom is a guide to a deeper understanding of the world’s great Global Wisdom Tradition by examining its true core: the God-Realized Adepts—or Gurus—who founded all the major religions and who teach and transmit to everyone the truth of our own inherent divinity—that we are God—and how we may become enlightened and evolve through the stages of life with wisdom.
The book takes us on a brief tour of the world religions—with a chapter dedicated to each major religion—and how they have all honored their Spiritual Masters and teachers, from the ancient Greeks to Jews to Christians to Muslims in the West, to Hindus and Buddhists in the East.
Reynolds writes lucidly about this universal tradition, millennia-old, and he illumines it with commentary about and from his own Guru, the Avatar Adi Da. He supports his text with superb artistry and graphic designs. It is a visual feast. Altogether, God’s Great Tradition of Global Wisdom is a monumental work.
—John White
author of What Is Enlightenment?, Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment, The Meeting of Science and Spirit

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